GOEHNER — The 15 county tourism group – the Southeast Nebraska Journey Council (SENTC) held their month-to-month assembly in Goehner on the Seward County Historic Society Museum on Friday, Sept. 8 from 10 – 2 p.m.

The assembly was carried out by SENTC President Amy Allgood of Nebraska Metropolis. Shirley Wichman, of Lincoln – with the State Tourism Fee -updated the group on the varied happenings in tourism! She famous that 500 folks had accomplished all 70 stops on the Nebraska Passport Program! Stories have been heard from the committees and a monetary report was shared and authorized.

Following the assembly – museum members hosted excursions of the museum, the college home and the historic Eberspacher dwelling. Jon Kruse, SCHS Board Member welcomed the group and thanked them for coming!

A pizza “working” lunch adopted – with pizza delivered from Milford’s Pizza Kitchen. Throughout lunch Pat Coldiron of Liberty Home, introduced her idea of “Little Field Excursions” and Gerry Meyer – Nebraska Nationwide Guard Museum Historian- shared the Higgin’s Boat story and invited the members to the Nebraska Nationwide Guard Museum in Seward!

Individuals are additionally studying…

Seward County Guests Bureau members Sharon Hambek, Mary Meyer, Doug Model, Clark Kolterman and Ken Schmieding. Museum hosts have been Bonnie Kruse and Tiffany Hovendick.

The Southeast Nebraska Tourism Council contains members Cass County, Fillmore County, Gage County, Jefferson County, Johnson County, Lancaster County, Nemaha County, Otoe County, Pawnee County, Richardson, Saline County, Sarpy County, Seward County, Thayer County and York County. The group meets month-to-month throughout the 15 county space and yearly publish journey information that includes all of the counties in a 65 pages – selling all Southeast Nebraska’s 15 county members!

For extra info contact Amy Allgood at amya@nebraskacity.com

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